keep Up with The Latest Happenings!


1.) MISSIONS... ICA - March Food Share Month March Food Share Month is nearing its end, so PLEASE bring in items for the big bin in the narthex in the next few days--there's way too much space in there! Special needs this week: canned tuna and chicken, Mac 'n cheese, can vegetables, crackers, paper products and diapers.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS)--Be the Light
This annual Lenten fund drive, a vital special mission offering of the UCC, supports disaster relief, refugee assistance, and development efforts around the globe through work in healthcare, education, agriculture, food security, microfinancing, and women's empowerment. When disasters strike, or when individuals are displaced due to violence or poverty, OGHS ensures immediate response and ongoing recovery. Your contributions help meet urgent needs while addressing the root causes of vulnerability, ensuring long-term, sustainable solutions for affected communities. You can donate any time during the month by making your check to the church with "OGHS" in the memo line.

Noisy Offering It's Noisy Offering time--please bring your coins and bills to church SUNDAY to toss in the kids' buckets. Funds will go to Altadena UCC church in California, which was destroyed in the devastating fires there in January. The church plans to rebuild as soon as they can, and we can help! Start gathering your change!

2.) CAROLYN MAAS (BEN MAAS’S MOTHER) OBITUARY AND SERVICE DETAILS… OBITUARY Friday, March 28, 2025 Visitation: 10:00am Service: 11:00am

3.) DONATE TO EASTER FLOWERS… For Easter this year, we'll have an assortment of flowers at the front of our sanctuary. Make a donation toward these flowers by check or through the website (, then click "give," then click "Easter Flowers"). Thank you!

4.) MINNETONKA CHORAL SOCIETY PRESENTS “ALL THE WORLD’S STAGE”… Sunday, April 27, 2025 at 3:00pm. Mount Calvary Lutheran Church, 301 County Road 19, Excelsior, MN Purchase tickets at See Doris Ely for questions.

5.) MEALS ON WHEELS JOB OPENINGS… Meals on Wheels - South Shore has two part-time job openings: 1. Meal Coordinator 2. Lead Meal Coordinator/Program Director These part-time positions come with flexible hours and the opportunity to serve our community in a significant way. All necessary training will be provided to the right candidates. We are located at Mount Calvary Lutheran Church in Excelsior and have been serving meals for over 50 years. To apply, email your resume to and write “Job Openings” in subject line. Direct any questions to Tom Lindquist at the email address above or call us at 952-474-5227.

6.) NEXT MAC MEETING… Thursday, 04/17/25 at 6:30pm…All are Welcome! Agenda to come

7.) WEST SUBURBAN GRIEF COALITION… If you or someone you know is experiencing the loss of a loved one, WSGC is meeting this spring at Gethsemane Lutheran Church in Hopkins. Meetings include a speaker followed by small group discussions. Informational brochures are located in the rack across from the office.

8.) CHILDREN’S CHOIR… Join an easy, low-stress children's choir. Music Director Dr. Peter J. Durow leads practices during Sunday School @ 10AM worship on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month. Put it in your calendar! See attached schedule.

Dealing with any kind of loss, depression, trauma, pain? Struggling with any bad habits that are causing you to hurt? Do the challenges of life weigh on you? Does fear creep into your mind? Recovery Alive is for you!  Recovery Alive provides a safe environment where you are welcomed, loved, listened to and embraced. Recovery Alive is an inclusive, open, nonjudgmental and loving place where we can support each other and experience God's love. Recovery Alive is open to everyone struggling with 'HURTS', 'HABITS' and 'HANGUPS'.   Join us Monday nights 6:00-7:30pm. Contact Tom Fuxa ( for more information.

Sunday services are now available LIVE on YouTube. This allows everyone to join the service even if they are only able to be there in spirit. Previous services are also available anytime via the same link.